Thursday, March 22, 2012

Everyone is equal ...

One more thing I love about my sweet son is he has no clue ! I don't mean that in a bad way I mean that in a very literal way.

For example: on our way home from the bus he wanted to play tag, I said laughing "no, I don't want to run because I'm to fat" Right then and there I realized he doesn't care her doesn't even know what "too fat" is!

He also doesn't know what:
Too Skinny
Four eyes
and all those other childhood names kids call each other.

The BEST part of all this is he doesn't CARE...because he literally treats everyone equal ...Isn't that the life ?

Don't you wish we could all go back to that kind of innocence?and not judge everyone for anything. We are all guilty of it whether we admit it or not.

Let's try it for a day ... let us know how it felt

Have a great day!