Sunday, February 5, 2012


Did you know that Lorenzo was a preemie(3 weeks early) and he had to stay in the hospital for two weeks after I left? Yep,that was one of the worst things I went thru .Leaving my sweet baby every day going back and forth everyday (right after a c section) I don't know how I did that. He had a feeding tube,and when they finally thought he was doing well enough they trained me on how to put it back in if it came out. That pretty much freaked me out,but I learned, Was scared shit less on it coming out and having to put it back in I mean SHIT LESS . I was a nervous wreck but he came home and it was the best ... About a week later I had kept seeing him grab the tube in his nose .I knew then I had to have this heart to heart talk with him.I literally told him that "If you  yank out your tube ,you have to be ready to eat on your own because mommy is a scary cat and I am to afraid to put it back in" I think he agreed.
That same day he did it...he yanked it out ...DONE he was over it .I think it annoyed him because it made him look funny(lol)Anywhoosies from that day on he ate from his bottle and we never looked back.

Here is a story we were told after we found out that Lorenzo had Downs syndrome. Thank you Alice (if you are reading this) for sending me the copy. if you want to get in the head of any parent with a child with a disability that please take the time to read this.

Thank you for reading today's blog. This is a release for me and it feels really good!


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