I met Rodney at karaoke,It seems I knew he was the "one"and at one point during our first couple meetings I actually told him that we would be together forever! REALLY ,yes I had been drinking but It was in my thoughts and for anyone who knows me knows my thoughts are well... um, out there !
Anywhoosies, fast forward a year. We had a beautiful baby boy Lorenzo.The day of Lorenzo's birth was the day we found out that he had down syndrome .WOW to be totally honest I was freaking out ,I was like,really what the hell just happened? My reaction was a simple "fear the unknown "reaction" . I had no clue that my sweet child that I carried in my belly for 9 months would come out with a disability. Not going to lie I was scared as hell. Did I mention that was the same day Rodney found out he had MS? UM yep it was a day for the books .
What did all this mean? Oh ya I know, it meant my life was changed forever. At the time didn't know whether it was for the good or what.
What I have learned Thur time was I would not have him any other way ! he has my heart all wrapped up and takes it with him everywhere he goes(along with all the Lady's he meets along the way!)So, he is full of love,joy,and cant believe at one point I was scared tho have this little guy.
So, I wont make this first blog a million pages long, But I do want to tell the story of how he changed his name to Tito!
We lived in a three floor town home. On a very stressful Friday evening I came home after work and was very scattered. Rodney & Lorenzo was downstairs. I went to the bathroom , and when I was done I went on the computer to unwind ,about 20 min later Rodney thought Lorenzo was with me and I thought he was with him...we panicked and ran outside and he was not in our sight! We split up looking for him and finally I found him hanging out with about 10 Seniors(not high school) they were all huddled around him laughing and talking to him ! Well after my heart beat subsided One of the guys asked me what his name was?I told him "Lorenzo",He said huh,he told us his name was "Tito" ...REally that kid has his own ideas on how he is going to live his life !
So, that's how he got the name Tito. One of the main things I learned on that day was little DS kids wounder!So, if you have a little munchkin with downs... Keep them locked up tight,they think its a game .
Lorenzo is 6 years old now ,in the first grade and has quite the following in our community of Renton Washington. I have many more story's to tell about "Tito" so, if you read this and want to share a story please do so ! Also, if you have any friends with a child with ds or any other disability ,please invite them to my blog I would love to have them!
"Tito's" Mom
Opps alot of misspelled words and stuff. Sorry to all that will be reading this.