Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The "WHY"

Hello everyone

  I was asked "WHY"I didn't have the amino test done when I was prego, The answer is that my currant doc told me about a less invasive test that would pretty much give us the same results . It was two separate blood test at two separate times of the pregnancy. We choose that test. I took both of the blood draws and never heard about any results. If you are familiar with the way Dr.s are they only discuss results if there is any thing negative to tell .So, when I didn't hear ,I assumed that all the test came back positive!
  I changed doctors at 34 weeks . My new doctor noticed a few things that needed to be done. She sent me to get test done asap .Things were fine.
  After I had Lorenzo the new doc noticed that that less invasive test was completely the wrong test ! The Doctor screwed up the testing.
  At one point we concederd suing , but instantly changed out mind when they said it would have to be a "wrongful birth " suit ! NO WAY that was a closed book .

That's the story ...


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